Marizki Putri, Yasherly Bachri


Trend of positivity rate is Indonesia'srecorded at a minimum of 8.5% and a maximum of 13.6% with an average rate of 11.3%, this causes an increase in anxiety in the community, especially teenagers. Anxiety is a subjective individual experience that often manifests as dysfunctional behavior which is defined as a feeling of "difficulty" and distress towards events that are not known with certainty. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of anxiety in adolescents in the new normal. The design of this research is descriptive with the sampling technique is purposive random sampling, with a total sample of 54 people, the sample of this research is teenagers. After doing the research, it was found that most of the respondents (83%) experienced severe anxiety, while a small proportion (17%) of respondents experienced severe anxiety.

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