Emira Apriyeni, Rizanda Machmud, Rika Sarfika



Interpersonal conflicts are often experienced by adolescents, including conflicts with mothers. Conflict is a normative in adolescent development. However, the increased incidence of conflict accompanied by poor conflict management can cause psychological problems for adolescents. This study aims to determine the relationship between adolescent characteristics and the incidence of conflict between adolescents and mothers. The analytical research design used cross sectional approach. The population was the students of Junior High Schools in Padang City with the sample of 384 people through purposive sampling. The study used a Respondent Demographic Questionnaire and Conflict Behavior Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Univariate and Bivariate with the results of variables related to the incidence of conflict with mothers, including gender (P value = 0.004), number of children in the family (P value = 0.011), and parents' income (P value = 0.018). The adolescents and mothers are advised to improve the quality of relationship with mutual understanding, openness and spend more time together so that conflicts can be minimized.


Keywords: Characteristics, Conflicts, Adolescents, Mother.

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