Reni Reni, Nandar Wirawan, Rina Setyawati


COVID-19 has become a frightening disease for people, especially the elderly. Metabolic changes in the physical and psychological changes that occur in the elderly are a factor in the high mortality rate of the elderly in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The participation of families who must give extra attention to the elderly is very much needed and has a high contribution to improving the health status of the elderly. This study aims to determine the relationship between family knowledge and COVID-19 prevention behavior in the elderly in RT.10/RW.004, RawaBuaya, Cengkareng-West Jakarta. The design of this study used a quantitative correlation method with a cross sectional approach. The sample amounted to 53 respondents and was taken by accidental sampling. The tool used in this study used a questionnaire which was distributed to each family with elderly members. From the research data, it was found that there was a relationship between knowledge of the elderly and COVID-19 prevention behavior in the elderly. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between family knowledge and Covid-19 prevention behavior in the elderly in RT.10/RW.004, RawaBuaya, Cengkareng-West Jakarta.

Keywords: Covid-19, elderly, family.

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