Analysis of Maternal and Family Factors on The incidence of Stunting
Indonesia is the 5th most stunting in the world. Stunting has long-term impacts both individually and socially, including reduced cognitive & physical development, lower productivity, and increased risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes. Situbondo is also the district with the third rank of stunting cases in East Java. As of February 2019, Banyuputih Community Health Center has the highest stunting rate of children under five in Situbondo Regency, which is 42.7%, with details of 25.21 very short children and 17.49% short. The purpose of this study was to analyze maternal and family factors on the incidence of stunting in children under five in the Banyuputih Health Center, Situbondo Regency. This research was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. The sample in the study was 274 children under five in the Banyuputih Health Center working area with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling. This research instrument used an observation sheet in collecting the independent and dependent variables. The dependent variable of this study was stunting. While the independent variables consist of maternal and family factors (maternal nutritional status (history of maternal anemia, history of maternal LILA), maternal height, family income, mother's education, number of family members). Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate tests. The results showed that anemia (Pvalue 0,000), LILA (Pvalue 0,000), maternal height (Pvalue 0,000) and family income (Pvalue 0,000) were proven to be related to the incidence of stunting in children under five in the Banyuputih Community Health Center. Meanwhile, the variable of mother's education (Pvalue 0.510) and number of family members (Pvalue 0.238) was the opposite.
Keywords: Maternal and Family Factors, Stunting, Toddlers
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