All Indonesian residents must participate in health insurance managed by BPJS (Social Health Insurance Administration Body), including foreigners who have worked for at least six months in Indonesia and have paid the premium. The West Sumatra community registered with BPJS for Health in the province is only 65 percent of the total target population registered reaches 5.4 million people. The target is still far from being achieved because the data is still not valid, and there are still poor people who have not received health insurance. This study aims to analyze factors related to the participation of BPJS for Health among users and non-users of BPJS at the Mapaddegat Health Center. The type of study is quantitative research with a case-control approach. The results showed that 30 of 60 respondents were BPJS users (50.0%), and the rests were non-users of BPJS (50.0%). Of the 60 respondents, BPJS users who were low-educated were eight respondents (26.7%), and non-BPJS users were six respondents (20.0%); BPJS users with negative attitude were 11 respondents (36.7%), and non-BPJS users were 22 respondents (73.3%), and BPJS users with less knowledgeable were four respondents (13.3%), and non-BPJS users were 16 respondents (53.3%). Thus, it could be concluded that there is a significant relationship between education, health workers' attitude, and knowledge toward the participation of BPJS for Health. This study's suggestions are to increase the socialization about the importance and benefits of being a BPJS user and the health that can be utilized by BPJS users ranging from preventive to rehabilitative.
Keywords: BPJS, Education, Attitude, Health Worker’s Behavior, Knowledge
Full Text:
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