Indra Maulana, Hesti Platini, Iwan Shalahuddin



Background: Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness with an alarming prevalence, one of the symptoms of schizophrenia that makes it difficult for caregivers or families, namely violent behavior. Objective: Describe interventions/therapies that can be done to reduce the risk of violent behavior. Methods: Literature review uses articles from electronic databases, namely google scholar and direct science with the keywords "violent behavior", "schizophrenia", and "therapy" which meet the inclusion criteria, namely English or Indonesian with a publication year between 2015 and 2020 and following the topic of discussion. 135 articles were collected and 10 articles were eliminated. Results: Based on the literature review, there were 6 therapy groups including group activity therapy by making daily schedules, psychoreligious therapy, murottal therapy, spiritual therapy, family therapy, and relaxation therapy. Conclusion: Group activity therapy, psychoreligious therapy, murottal therapy, spiritual therapy, family therapy, and relaxation therapy are proven to reduce the risk of violent behavior.

Keywords: schizophrenia, therapy, Violent behavior

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