Stigma gangguan jiwa tidak hanya berdampak terhadap klien gangguan jiwa, akan tetapi juga kepada masyarakat yang berada di sekitar klien. Langkah pendekatan untuk mengurangi stigma dan diskriminasi yaitu dengan education, contact dan protest. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre-post test design with control group. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Sonosari Tegaltirto Berbah Sleman, dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 45 orang Ibu-ibu PKK dengan kriteria inklusi bersedia mengikuti seluruh prosedur. Tingkat stigma diukur sebelum dilakukan intervensi dan langsung setelahnya serta 2 minggu setelah dilakukan intervensi. Analisis data deskriptif dilakukan dengan menyajikan data distribusi frekuensi dan kemudian dilakukan uji Paired T Test. Nilai mean sebelum dilakukan tindakan yaitu 127,51 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 11,14, sedangkan nilai mean setelah dilakukan tindakan sebesar 127,96 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 12,8. Hasil uji Paired T-test menunjukkan hasil nilai sig 0,784 (p>0,05) berarti tidak ada perbedaan rata-rata antara tingkat stigma masyarakat pretes dan postes yang berarti tidak ada pengaruh pemberian pemberian psikoedukasi dan program kontak sosial dalam menurunkan stigma masyarakat terhadap orang dengan gangguan jiwa.
Kata kunci: Stigma: Gangguan jiwa, Kontak; Psikoedukasi
ABSTRACTThe stigma of mental disorders does not only affect the client with mental disorders, but also the community around the client. Approaches to reducing stigma and discrimination are education, contact and protest. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post test design approach with control group. The study was conducted in the village of Sonosari Tegaltirto Berbah Sleman, with a purposive sampling technique of 45 PKK mothers with inclusion criteria willing to follow all procedures. The stigma level was measured before the intervention and immediately thereafter and 2 weeks after the intervention. Descriptive data analysis was carried out by presenting the frequency distribution data and then performed the Paired T Test. The mean value before the action was 127.51 with a standard deviation of 11.14, while the mean value after the action was 127.96 with a standard deviation of 12.8. The results of the Paired T-test showed a sig value of 0.784 (p> 0.05) which means that there is no average difference between the stigma level of the pretest and posttest community, which means that there is no effect of giving psychoeducation and social contact programs in reducing community stigma against people with mental disorders.
Keywords: Stigma; Community; Contact; Education
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