Web-Based Medical Record Information System Design at Amanah Clinic in Padang City

Nurul Abdillah, Herman Susilo, Muhammad Ihksan


Implementation of computers for data archiving at Amanah Clinic in Padang City has become a necessity, including managing the outpatient registration process. However, after conducting interviews with clinic staff, it was revealed that the existing registration system is still not optimal in addressing patient needs, and the archived data is difficult to process. The registration process takes place slowly, causing patients to experience longer waiting times than necessary. To address this issue, an information system is required that can efficiently manage the outpatient registration process. The goal of designing this information system is to create a platform capable of accelerating the outpatient registration process while providing additional options for more detailed data processing. The system development is carried out using the Waterfall method, implementing Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) to clearly understand the data flow in the clinic. The result of this research is a web-based information system application that not only facilitates patient data processing but also improves system performance compared to the previous software. This system is expected to provide significant benefits to the clinic in enhancing operational efficiency and patient services.

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