Denos Imam Pratama, Chamy Rahmatiqa


According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia concerning Minimum Hospital Service Standards that the right time to provide outpatient medical record documents is ≤10 minutes. The workload of filing officers has a very strong effect on the average time for providing outpatient medical record documents, that is, the higher the workload for filing officers, the higher the time for providing medical record documents. The purpose of this study is to analyze the workload of filling officers and the average time to provide outpatient medical record documents. This type of research is qualitative research with observation and interview methods. The research was conducted at dr. Rasidin Padang in August 2023. The informants for this study were the heads of the medical records unit and filling officers at RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang, totally 4 people. Methods of data collection were by in-depth interviews, document review, field observations and data analysis using triangulation techniques. Based on the research results obtained from the calculation of the filing officer's workload, it showed that there was an additional filing officers. The average time for providing outpatient medical record documents is 15 minutes. Delays in providing outpatient medical record documents were caused by several factors in management elements which included Man, Method, Material and Machine. It can be concluded that there is an increase in the need for medical record personnel, the time for providing outpatient medical record documents is not appropriate and the factors causing delays in the provision of outpatient medical record documents are Man, Method, Material and Machine factors.

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