Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) merupakan limbah cairppabrik kelapapsawit yang dihasilkan dari pengolahanptandan buahpsegar menjadi minyak sawitykasar. Warna kecoklatan pada POME menjadi salah satu masalah yang meresahkan karena dapat mencemari badan air sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk memperbaiki kualitas air limbah cair (POME) dan mengurangi warna kecoklatan melalui dekolorisasi POME oleh bakteri indigen. Penelitian ini bertujua untuk mengisolasi bakteri indigen limbah cair POME serta menguji kemampuan isolat bakteri dalam memperbaiki kadar warna pada limbah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 11 isolat bakteri indigen dari limbah POME. Semua isolat diuji kemampuan dekolorisasi untuk penurunan warna POME. Seluruh isolat yang diujikan mampu mengurangi warna pada POME. Persentase mencapai 28,98% oleh isolat IBDP-5. Hasil karakterisasi didapatkan dua isolat bakteri gram positif berbentuk coccus yaitu (IBDP-3 dan IBDP-6), tiga isolatubakteri gramupositif berbentukpbasil yaitu (IBDP-5, IBDP-7, serta IBDP- 11), dan enam isolat bakteri gram negatif berbentuk basil yaitu (IBDP-1, IBDP-2, IBDP-4, IBDP-8, IBDP-9, IBDP-10).
Keyword : Degradasi; dekolorisasi; fenol; indigenous; POME.
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is liquid waste from palm oil mills produced from processing fresh fruit bunches and fruit into crude palm oil. The brownish color of POME is a disturbing problem because it can pollute water bodies, so efforts are needed to improve the quality of liquid waste water (POME) and reduce the brownish color through decolorization of POME by indigenous bacteria. This research aims to isolate indigenous bacteria from POME liquid waste and test the ability of bacterial isolates to improve the color content of waste. This research uses a survey method and the sampling technique is purposive sampling. The results of the research found 11 isolates of indigenous bacteria from POME waste. All isolates were tested for decolorization ability to reduce POME color. All isolates tested were able to reduce the color of POME. The percentage reached 28.98% for the IBDP-5 isolate. The characterization results showed that there were two isolates of gram-positive bacteria in the form of coccus, namely (IBDP-3 and IBDP-6), three isolates of gram-positive bacteria in the form of bacilli, namely (IBDP-5, IBDP-7, and IBDP-11), and six isolates of gram-negative bacteria in the form of bacilli, namely (IBDP-1, IBDP-2, IBDP-4, IBDP-8, IBDP-9, IBDP-10).
Keyword : Degradation; decolorization; fenol; isolation; POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent).
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