Hubungan Kondisi Lingkungan Fisik Rumah Dan Perilaku Dengan Kejadian TB Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas IV Koto Kinali Kabupaten Pasaman Barat
The BTA (+) case detection rate is increasing and the highest is in the working area of the Koto Kinali Public Health Center. The incidence of AFB (+) is caused by a lack of fulfillment of the physical environmental conditions of the house and behavior to prevent TB transmission. This study aims to determine the relationship between the condition of the physical home environment and behavior with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.
This type of analytic research with cross sectional design. The research was conducted in the working area of the IV Koto Health Center, West Pasaman Regency, from January to February 2022. The population was all households in Jorong IV Koto, namely 341 with a sample of 78 people. Data collection was carried out using guided interviews.
The results showed that 29.5% of respondents experienced pulmonary TB, 33.3% of respondents had a bad physical environment and 30.8% of respondents had bad behavior. The results of the Chi Square test obtained the physical environment of the house (p value 0.002) and behavior (0.017) with the incidence of pulmonary TB in the working area of the Koto Kinali Public Health Center, West Pasaman Regency.
Based on the results it was concluded that there was a relationship between physical and behavioral environmental conditions with the incidence of pulmonary TB. It is hoped that the sanitarian officers and Health Promotion Officers at the Puskesmas will coordinate the implementation of pulmonary TB counseling and healthy homes and coordinate with labor officers to carry out sweeping of BTA (+) so that TB sufferers can be treated earlier.
Keywords: Behavior, Physical Environment, Pulmonary TB
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