Alfita Dewi, Ilma Nuria Sulrieni, Annisa Novita Sary


The data from the Padang City Health Office in 2020 indicates that the number of couples of reproductive age in Padang City is 186,950 individuals, with 20,646 new family planning (KB) participants (11.04%) and 101,405 active KB participants (54.24%).

Based on data from the West Sumatra BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Board) Representative in 2021, it is known that the coverage of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is only 21.3% compared to the number of Non-LARC KB acceptors, which is 44.6%. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the level of knowledge and husband's support in choosing long-acting contraceptive methods in the working area of the Alai Community Health Center in Padang City in 2022.

The research is analytical with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in the working area of the Alai Community Health Center in Padang City from September 12th to March 1st, 2022. The population in this study was 5,512, with a sample size of 102 individuals.

Based on the research results, it is found that 72.5% of reproductive-aged women (PUS) did not choose long-acting contraceptives, 51.0% of PUS did not receive husband's support, and 63.7% of PUS had a low level of knowledge. The Chi-Square test results showed that the p-value = 0.00 < α = 0.05 (for knowledge level) and p-value = 0.010 < α = 0.05 (for husband's support), indicating a significant relationship.

Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between the level of knowledge and husband's support in choosing long-acting contraceptive methods. Health workers at the Alai Community Health Center in Padang City are encouraged to provide health information about the family planning program and educate reproductive-aged couples about long-acting contraceptive methods.Top of Form

Keywords: Behavior, Knowledge, Husband’s Support, Contraceptive

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