promotive and preventive manner, including the formation of Integrated post for non-communicable
diseases (posbindu) cadres. Various studies have shown that the activeness of cadres is proven to
affect the success of NCDS posbindu activities. Therefore, a strategy is needed to increase the activity of
posbindu cadres in controlling non-communicable diseases. This study aims to determine the effect of
the support of community leaders in increasing knowledge and attitude of cadres in non- communicable
diseases posbindu. This research was carried out at the Nanggalo Padang Health Center on July -
November 2020. This research is a Pre-experimental study with the design of One Group Pre-testPost
Test with the treatment of providing education and support from community leaders. The
activeness of cadres was assessed using a knowledge and attitude questionnaire. The population and
sample in this study were posbindu cadres who were taken by purposive sampling technique as many
as 19 people. The results showed that the average knowledge and attitude before being given
education was 57.21 and 55.68. After being given education, the average knowledge and attitudes
were 85.84 and 73.16. Meanwhile, the paired t-test showed that there was an effect of educational
support from community leaders on increasing the knowledge and attitude of cadres in posbindu with a
p value of 0.001 and 0,001. It is hoped that health services can involve community leaders to provide
support for posbindu cadres in controlling non-communicable diseases.
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