Diah Lestari, Tri Prasetyorini, Ghefira Widayanti


Smoking has a negative impact on the health of the body, one of which causes damage to the structure of liver cells, marked by the release of the best enzyme in assessing liver function, namely the serum aminotransferase group which includes AST and ALT, and the levels are increased in blood circulation. Smoking activity can be seen from the age of the smoker, the type of cigarette, the number of cigarettes in a day, the duration of smoking, and the degree of smoking. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between degree of smoking and increased serum aminotransferase levels in active smokers. The research method uses the library research method. The data used is secondary data from research that has been published in scientific journals. The results showed highest smoking degree is in the light-medium group. Most of the serum aminotransferase levels have increased, both AST and ALT levels. The conclusion there is a the degree of smoking with serum aminotransferase levels. Meanwhile, there was relationship between degree of smoking with the serum aminotransferase levels. In various studies, there is a relationship between AST and ALT levels in smokers. The increase in serum aminotransferase levels in smokers occurs <2x the normal value, an increase that occurs only within 2-70% of normal.

Keywords : Serum Aminotransferases, Degree of Smoking , AST, ALT

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