The success of a health program in a country can be measured by a decrease in the mortality rate in that country, low mortality will be directly proportional and can be seen from the increasing number of elderly people, Hypertension is one of the degenerative diseases which is the main cause of death in developed countries, WHO also noted that in recent years cases of hypertension have continued This has increased significantly, of course this is a problem throughout the world, because of this researchers are interested in knowing the overviuw of blood pressure in elderly hypertension at the Batusangkar Tresna Werdha Social home. July 2020. The design of this research is descriptive with a cross sectional approach, with a sampling technique that is accidental sampling. Of the total 70 elderly people at the Social home, 40 people who have had a history of medical records with a diagnosis of hypertension have been sampled. Data collection uses observation sheets of blood pressure measurements, stethoscopes, and sphygmomanometer or tensimeter. The results showed that a small proportion of 22.5% of the elderly had mild hypertension, then more than half of the 57.5% of the elderly had moderate hypertension and a smaller portion, namely 20.0% of the elderly, had severe hypertension, seen from the characteristics of the respondents with moderate hypertension, young people than severe hypertension, from this it can be concluded that, many factors can affect the classification of a person's hypetension, hypertension can occur due to lack of information to the elderly about disease prevention, lack of programs for the health of the elderly, and most importantly the continuity of the elderly in prevention. Like habits, both sports and food, of course there must be real efforts that can be developed by the government as a program.
Keywords: Elderly, Blood Pressure, Hypertension
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