Meldafia Idaman, Ika Yulia Darma, Fitra Afrida Amna




About 70% women giving birth to vaginal have perineal trauma. Kegel exercise, perineal massage in third trimester of pregnantreduce rupture of the perineum. The purpose of this study was to learn how perineal torn in woman performing perineum massage and kegel exercise during pregnancy. The type of the study was experimental using Post Test Only Control Group Design. The study was conducted on pregnant woman, gestational age ≥ 34 weeks until delivery at the Independent Practice Midwife (IPM) from June to September 2018. The population and sample were 14 respondents. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The samples were divided in 2 groups: 7 respondents in perineal massage methode group and 7 respondents in kegel exercise  methode group. Perineal laceration data collection using onservasi way is to use the checklist sheet and partograf.

Data was analyzed by using the Man Whitney Test. The result of this study is 85,7% of group women who done perineal massage faced first degree of perineal laceration. However, there are only 14,3% women who done kegel exercise, got first  degree of perineal laceration. There is a difference results of perineal massage and kegel exercise toward preventing of perineal laceration during labor, which is showed by p value at 0,026. The   conclusions this study is the percentage of perineum that experienced lacerations exceeding grade 1 was more in the respondents who did a kegel exercise method.


Keyword: Massage, Perineum, Exercise, Kegel, Laceration


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