Stunting has been highligted as one of the nutritional problems worlwide especially in developing countries. In Indonesia, Padang is one among those cities with the highest stunting caseswhose a prevalence rate is 22,6%. Such a high rate must be suppressed since the World Health Oganization (WHO) stated that the stunting should be of a main concern if the prevalence rate reaches more than 20%. Associated with such issue, this research examines the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding and mother educational backgroundindependently with a case of severely stunting. The data is gathered from a local public health center (known as Puskesmas) in Andalasworking territory whose number of the recorded stunting case is the third higest-ranked (13%) in Padang city. An analytical survey research with case control design is carried out,and anon-probabilitytyped- purposive sampling technique is used in whichthe number ofrespondents are devided into two group i.e., 20 case typedand 20 control typed sample of toddlers. Bivariate and univariate analysis with Chi-Square statistical test show that while there exists positive correlation between exclusive-breastfeeding and severely stunting case, the opposite relationship is demostrated by a mother educational background with the severely stunting case. It is further suggested that the health personnels should improve healthcare services by providing a better health screening work in a monthly routine and conducting a counseling of the exclusive breastfeeding regularly.
Keyword:SeverelyStunting, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Mother Education, Analytical Survey
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