Seaports are areas with great potential in the spread of HIV / AIDS, considering that Seaports are strategic places or areas. One of the major seaports in West Sumatra is Teluk Bayur Padang Seaport is potential risky place for HIV/AIDS transmission. P2HA program is a comprehensive, integrative, and effective method of approach to prevent sexual transmission collaborating with government, nongovernment institution and society. The aim of this research was to find out the implementation of HIV/AIDS program or P2HA in port area. This study used a research design. qualitative approach using FGD and in-depth interview. This research showed that The awareness to access health services is still low and HIV/AIDS socialization hasn’t been included in workers' preventive behaviors. It can be concluded that implementation of HIV/AIDS program by P2HA at seaport hasn’t worked well.
Keywords: Implementation Program, HIV AIDS, Port Workers.
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STIKes SYEDZA Saintika Padang
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka No. 228 Air Tawar Timur Padang - Sumatera Barat