Adolescence is marked by physical and mental changes. These changes are known as puberty. Menarch is a sign that an adolescent girl have facing the puberty. Adolescents who live in orphanages tend to have different experiences when facing puberty. The adolescent girl had not get the comprehensive information about puberty especially menarch.Their sources of information were also limited. The changes in puberty would cause anxiety, discomfort and fear among the adolescent girl. The objective of the study was to determine the readiness of adolescent living in orphanage in facing puberty. Quantitative descriptive research used to describe the readiness of adolescents living in orphanages in facing puberty. Sample of this study was 40 premenstrual adolescents who lived in Aisyiyah Orphanages in Bukittinggi. The questions asked were related to information about reproductive health and adolescents’ readiness of adolescents to face puberty. The result showed that 65% of adolescents had not received information about reproductive health, 67.5% of adolescents were not ready to face puberty. Some participant are not fully at the action stage leading to fear and shame when they had menarche. The conclution of the study was adolescents living in orphanages had low readiness in facing puberty. Adolescents living in orphanages need to get health education related to reproductive health to increase their readiness to face puberty was the suggestion of this study.
Keyword : adolescence, puberty, orphanage living adolescent
Full Text:
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