Putri Engla Pasalina, Afrah Diba Faisal



Pregnancy with anemia is often occurs. An estimated 38% of pregnant women in the world are anemic. Pregnant women who have a normal pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) have more iron stores. Being overweight, especially obesity, is associated with systemic inflammation, thereby increasing hepcidin and ferritin, which disrupt hemoglobin synthesis. This study aims to analyze the relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI with hepcidin and ferritin levels This research is an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The population is anemia pregnant women and the number of samples is 24 peoples. Blood collection, pre-pregnancy BMI data collection and hemoglobin level checks were carried out at Pauh Padang Health Center. Hemoglobin levels were examined with a hematology analyzer. Hepcidin and ferritin were examined using the ELISA method at the Biomedical Laboratory of Andalas University. The pre-pregnancy BMI variable was divided into 2 categories, namely non-overweight (≤24.99) and overweight (≥ 25.00). Data analysis was performed by univariate and bivariate. The results showed that the mean hepcidin in the overweight group (39.70 ± 6.97 ng / ml) was higher than the mean  hepcidin in the non-overweight group (36.88 ± 5.83 ng/ml). The median ferritin in the overweight group 17,33 (4.97-26.21) ng/ml was higher than the median ferritin in the non-overweight group (5.49 (1.01-53.26) ng / ml). That showed no significant relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI and hepcidin (p = 0.69) and no significant relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI and ferritin(p = 0.69).


Keywords : Pre-Pregnancy BMI, Hepcidin, Feritin

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