Stunting reflects the failure of child growth (growth faltering) in the long term. The impact of stunting that occurs before children are 2 years old can increase the risk of cognitive decline, that is, they tend to have lower IQs than normal children (Ministry of Village Disadvantaged, 2018). This study aims to determine the relationship between biological factors such as Food Intake, Exclusive breastfeeding, Age of mother, Gender of Child and Low birth weight and the incidence of stunting at west Pasaman Districts.The research design used an observational analytic study with a cross sectional comparative approach. The research was conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Sukamenanti Pasaman Barat from June to July 2020. The sample in this research were mothers who had stunting and normal children aged 6-23 months amount 100 people was taken by consecutive sampling technique. After all samples have been collected, data analysis is performed using statistical tests. The results of the study were categorized as food intake, exclusive breastfeeding, age, gender, low birth weight. The conclusion of this study is a significant relationship between the level of energy intake and a history of low birth weight with the incidence of stunting in West Pasaman Districts.
Keywords: Stunting, Biological Factors, Food Intake, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Age, Gender,
Low Birth Weight
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