Wiya Elsa Fitri, Adewirli Putra



Dalam artikel review ini peneliti memaparkan peranan senyawa flavonoid dalam meningkatkan system imun tubuh dimasa pademi, flavonoid merupakan senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terdapat pada tumbuhan seperti buah buahan, sayur sayuran, tanaman obat yang memilik peran penting pada fisiologi tumbuhan, flavonoid memiliki manfaat biologis sebagai antioksidan, antiradang, antikanker, antibakteri, dan antivirus. Karena memiliki banyak manfaat, maka senyawa flavonoid potensial digunakan untuk meningkatkan system imun tubuh dimasa pandemic Covid-19. Faktor factor yang dapat mempengaruhi system imun serta beberapa tumbuhan yang menjadi sumber flavonoid telah dipaparkan dalam artikel ini. Sehingga dapat memberikan informasi pengetahuan serta solusi dalam mengahapi masa pandemi Covid-19 ini. 

Kata Kunci : Flavonoid; Sistem Imun; Virus, Covid-19; Pandemi




This review article, the researchers describe the role of flavonoid compounds in increasing the body's immune system during the spring, flavonoids are secondary metabolites found in plants such as fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants which have an important role in plant physiology, flavonoids have biological benefits such as activity. antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and antiviral. Because it has the benefits that apply above, flavonoid compounds are potential to be used to boost the immune system during the Covid-19 pandemic. Factors that can affect the immune system as well as some plants that are sources of flavonoids have been described in this article. So that it can provide information, knowledge and solutions in dealing with this Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Flavonoids; Immune System; Virus, Covid-19; Pandemic

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