Relationship between knowledge and motivation with incompleteness of the CPPT hospitalization form Road at Muara Siberut Health Center

Kintan Sabila Kurnia, Denos Imam Fratama, Alfita Dewi


The incompleteness of the Integrated Patient Progress Record (CPPT) form is still found in many incomplete CPPT forms at the Muara Siberut Health Center. The incompleteness of the CPPT form can be influenced by the knowledge and motivation of health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and motivation with the incompleteness of the Outpatient Integrated Patient Progress Record (CPPT) form at the Muara Siberut Health Center. The results of this study were out of 55 outpatient CPPT forms at the Muara Siberut Health Center there were 40 (72, 7%) incomplete CPPT forms. The results of the chi square test in this study showed that there was no relationship between knowledge and incompleteness of CPPT forms at the Muara Siberut Health Center with a p value of 1.000 (p>0.05) and there was no relationship between motivation and incompleteness of CPPT forms with a p value = 0.364 (p>0, 05). It is expected from the results obtained that the Puskesmas Muara Siberut can improve knowledge by prioritizing and providing training on knowledge about filling out CPPT forms and considering awards or bonuses to encourage the completion of filling out CPPT forms.

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