Siska Ferilda, Eka Desnita, Alya Rohadi


Antibiotic resistance has caused various problems and become a global threat to health. Excessive
and inappropriate use of antibiotics can cause the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. With
the occurrence of resistance problems, the potential for antibiotics to treat infections and diseases
will decrease. Antibiotic resistance at this time is not widely known among the public. Based on data
obtained by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are a number of 12 countries including
Indonesia, accounting for 53.62% of people stop taking antibiotic drugs when they recover.
Objective: This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of health and non-health students
about the use of antibiotic drugs at Baiturrahmah University Padang and to reduce the problem of
resistance. Method: Research design used with observational method with descriptive design. Result:
Of the 152 respondents consisting of 73 health students and 79 non-healt h students, 118 students
with good knowledge were obtained, consisting of 72 people (98.6%) health students and 46 people
(58.2%) non-health students, 32 students with sufficient knowledge with 1 person (1.4%) health
students and 31 people (39.2%) other non-health students, Then there are 2 people (2.5%) non-health
students with less knowledge. There is an influence between education and gender on the level of
knowledge with Sig (0.00) < (0.05) values. Conclusion: The level of knowledge of health students is
better than that of non-health students. And there are significant differences between health and non-
health students
Keywords: Resistance, Antibiotics, Knowledge of antibiotic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30633/jsm.v7i1.2724


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